Sunday, 10 March 2013

JKS a Self-Proclaimed Asia Prince?

Several fans have been reacting to recent posts on several sites calling Jang Geun Suk as "self-proclaimed prince".
Image credits: filebookph

This caused a stir among the eels family. They felt the need to defend Sukkie, a multi-talented artist who, even to the peak of his success and fame, has remained a down-to-earth person who always consider himself as "no more special than anyone else". But since JKS is a peace-loving person, that aura reverberates too among his fans. Eels can be deeply hurt and would sometimes react to false reviews and accusations towards Jang Geun Suk, but most of the time, they would just opt to leave the haters keep hating, and would just focus on supporting the prince even more, enfolding Sukkie in a stronger barrier of love and support that haters could not even penetrate.

Nowadays, when fans are as noncommittal as bees transferring from flower to flower in search of a sweeter nectar, one can hardly find a star like Jang Geun Suk, who is deeply loved by his eels, staying by his side through all character, fashion, musical concept, or hairstyle changes. His pure heart has created a family bond not only between him and every eel, but also among the eels themselves. In search for JKS attention, eels don't feel any competition towards each other, because the Prince treats them all equally. That, and more is enough for him to be called a prince.
Image credits:

It was the millions of eels, and not Jang Geun Suk himself who proclaimed him "Asia Prince", and who are now proclaiming him "World Prince" because of his hardwork, compassion, and inextinguishable dedication in providing entertainment and inspiration to his fans who constantly look up to him. He never "self-proclaimed", and in fact, there is no need for him to do so, because in the hearts of every loyal eel, he already is the World Prince.

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